

Retirement Age

Retirement is an accomplishment to be celebrated! It is always a thrill to rejoice with those who have worked hard for many years and are now rightfully being honored and recognized. With the departure from a particular line of work comes the opportunity for both respite as well as new challenges. Right here at South …

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The Journey

Do you ever feel lost? I don’t mean lost while behind the wheel of an automobile or walking around a new city… I mean, do you ever feel lost in life? Maybe you feel like you don’t know which way to turn, what choices to make, or where to go – even though you are …

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I Sometimes Forget…

We all have strengths and weaknesses in all areas of life. Personally, my weaknesses far outweigh my strengths. But, one strength I have is I feel I have a “good memory.” I can remember dates, most facts, and interactions from decades past. However, I sometimes get wrapped around the “wheel of life” and fail to …

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During my formative years, my parents constantly talked to me about “reputation” and being “dependable!” They constantly talked to me about doing my best to have a positive reputation of “not” causing other people problems and simply being counted on at school, society, and in the workplace. Simply put, I was to strive to be …

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