Author's posts
Do You Have Room For Jesus?
Even though we have moved into the digital age, I continue to use a “paper planner.” I like being able to write thoughts, ideas, and make plans while turning pages. Each little block on a calendar represents 24 hours. As we write & plan on each block, do we make room for Jesus? We see …
Let’s Choose Growth!
When we grow, we increase! When we increase, we abound! When we abound, we please our Lord! I Corinthians 15:58 says, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” We are expected to be “fruit bearers” according …
When Tomorrow Begins Without Me
I attended a funeral for one of my first cousins on a cold afternoon a few years ago. The preacher who officiated the funeral also offered remarks at the graveside. As he began talking at the cemetery he said, “I wonder what the weather will be like on the day of my funeral. I have …
I Want to Start A Conversation That Will Bring People To Christ, Do You?
Let’s add another tool to your toolbox… Our words can enrage or encourage. Our words matter! God, in His wisdom, saw that words are the mode for which humanity would learn about the relationship He desires to have with us. Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of …
Is Life Fair?
This past Friday night, our high school football team’s season ended like it has ended over the last several years, with a defeat. When you lose a game during the playoffs, your season is finished. It has been the pattern over the years the opponent who hands us the loss during the playoffs are usually …
Thankful for Jesus
This week, we will gather with friends, family, and loved ones to “give thanks” for our blessings, reflect on the past, and remember those who are no longer with us. As we gather, may we continue to be thankful for Jesus Christ. May we be mindful of the sacrifice He made for us, remember our …
The Empty Swing
Last Sunday afternoon, I walked for about forty minutes at home. It was a nice, brisk fall afternoon. I finished up walking as the darkness was moving in on our part of the world. As the wind blew, I could see out of the corner of my eye a swing in a tree we put …
The Old Clothesline
My daddy was a man of many talents. He thawed frozen water pipes under the house during the winter, repaired bicycles, house fans, was a great cook and even overhauled a car engine in our driveway. When I was old enough, my job was to always hold the flashlight, carry the toolbox, or just talk …
A Challenge Is An Opportunity
All facets of life have been modified or adapted to meet safety guidelines and to be cautious in relation to the Coronavirus. We know these changes have brought challenges. However, we know each time a challenge is present, an opportunity is evident. Churches across the world and churches in our region have had to develop …
In God We Trust
Much has been made of legislation in Kentucky requiring public schools to post the phrase, “In God We Trust.” Some schools have totally embraced this law by very clearly and boldly making these words visible while other schools have done all they can to barely meet the requirement of displaying these four words. I am …