Author's posts
Getting to Know Jesus
The GREATEST GIFT is Jesus Christ! Jesus is the Savior of the world, The Son of God, Author & Finisher of our faith, and the Alpha & Omega! Wouldn’t you like to get to know Him better? Me too! We are offering an opportunity to do just that! How? Our Congregation now has the opportunity …
It’s Been About A Month
Actually, we have experienced some form of quarantine for closer to 5 weeks as a nation. COVID-19 has impacted all of us differently. It seems we all have been given a little more time to reflect on our lives and the future. Some are calling this the “Great Pause.” What are we doing to improve …
Perseverance Creates Endurance ( Don’t Give Up)
Today, somewhere, some of us are receiving bad news, having to deal with unexpected challenges, existing in the darkness of being alone, having feelings hurt, not sure where our next meal is coming from, wondering how we are going to make that payment or we may be going through excruciating physical pain. During times like …
I hope you have been able to enjoy the sunshine, see the flowers, and observe the greening of the landscape. Even in the midst of challenges, we can still see the beauty of God. I see a spiritual application as well. The church continues to reflect Christ and honor God even in the midst of …
Discovering Connection Through Disconnection
To say, “Our world has changed,” is an understatement. Within two weeks, the way we travel, conduct business, and interact with humanity does not resemble our behavior when we began the month on March 1st. Everyone’s “adjustment” has been different because of where we live, how we work, and how we congregate. But one thing …
Grief Has No Timeline
As you aware, our Grief Seminar that was scheduled for later this month has been cancelled. We are working on rescheduling this opportunity for later in 2020. We will let you know soon when this seminar will take place. While we find ourselves rescheduling events and rearranging our plans, we know challenges and dealing difficult …
How Many Times Can My Heart Break?
We know that our heart can “break” emotionally due to loss of life, watching someone lead a life away from Christ, dealing with failing health, tragedy and trauma, the loss of a job (income), severed relationships, and absorbing hurtful words from someone we love. These situations and more cause one to grieve. Grief affects a …
Dealing with Grief from Dementia & Loss
Grief is a natural and healthy consequence that should occur when a loss has happened in your life! We are reminded of this in Job 6:1-3, Then Job answered and said: Oh, that my grief were fully weighed, And my calamity laid with it on the scales! For then it would be heavier than the …
God Cares When We Suffer
Our darkest moments are when we have a “loss” in our life. It does not matter if we are expecting this loss or not, we still feel overwhelmed, hurt, disappointed, and alone. Loss in our life can take the form of losing a dear friend or family member to death, losing our home due to …
Are You Tired?
“Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. He comes forth like a flower and fades away; he flees like a shadow and does not continue.” Job 14:1-2 reminds us life is hard and short. This is not “news” to any of us! We are all aware of the …