Author's posts
Bulletin Articles
Do you like “Bulletin Articles?” Well, I do. I always have. Scripturally supported and Bible based articles have always been and continue to be a very effective teaching tool and uplifting. I am appreciative of the opportunity to write weekly articles for our bulletin. Why? Because I hope in some small way, I am enlightening …
We Need Older People!
Like you, I was taught to “respect my elders.” Of course, my parents were talking about respecting and showing value to those who were older than me. The older I get, the more value I have for those who are older than me. Those who are older than me have an education learned at the …
Are you “all in” or kinda “all in?”
I Cor. 9:19 says For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; While preaching in urban centers, Paul encountered diverse orators who were skilled at speaking but were deceptive & false. Their skills brought them fame & fortune as the moved …
Good Communication Requires Wisdom
The root cause of conflict points back to “poor communication.” How many of us want to be “heard?” How many times do we feel we failed in a conversation? My parents would not be happy and would say to me, “You shouldn’t speak before you think!” Forty-six years later, I still struggle to understand what …
We consider ourselves “faithful.” We have obeyed the Gospel, we participate in the work of the local church, & we seek to evangelize. Let’s examine the necessity of faith, the nature of faith, and the action of faith. The necessity of faith: Hebrews 11:6 says But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for …
A Thanksgiving Conversation
My father-in-law and I take a few minutes to discuss spiritual matters for a few minutes most anytime we are together. I learn so much from these conversations. Thursday was no different. He shared with me a piece of paper that was faded, yellow, covered in tape to repair snags but the message was still …
For you have the poor with you always…
Dialogue and attention continue to be given to those who struggle to have their basic needs met. The church has a great opportunity to assist someone seeking to grow spiritually while helping them through benevolence. Bringing others to Christ is the Christian’s mission (Matthew 28:16-20). We must also understand many in our community are challenged …
Is Bible Class Important?
“You are preparing those in the cradle for the storms of life.” ~Michael Whitworth As we wind down another education rotation, I am reminded of the importance of Bible Class as we prepare for the next rotation. It is humbling to see those who teach in our Education program give of their time, self, and …
Healing A Broken Heart
“We spend the first half of our life making friends, we spend the second half of our life burying them.” ~Unknown How many of us have said, “Goodbye” to a friend or family member at the funeral home? I find myself attempting to provide comfort to others and watch people I care about suffer due …
Primary Beliefs Must Be First
In the commentary entitled The Seed Principle, Sowing the Life of Your Dreams, Aubrey Johnson reminds us the importance of planting the right type of seeds from the messages we receive. Aubrey gives us these three ideas when it comes to primary beliefs: “All sorts of ideas are spread through the media, Internet, pulpit, classroom …