Allen Jones

Author's posts

Missing Our Loved Ones

Email Bulletin Not an hour fades from the clock that doesn’t find us thinking about, missing, or longing to be with our friends, neighbors, family members, or spouse that has already passed away. We know the void we have is a result of the deep love we shared. We are confident in the expectation …

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Can You Keep A Secret?

In some instances, a secret must be kept! Spouses have conversations that only take place inside their relationship. Lawyers maintain client confidentiality. Bankers cannot share customer loan agreements. Medical professionals cannot divulge patient information. Preachers cannot share details of meetings when he is assisting someone in the congregation with a problem or spiritual challenge. A …

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The Untamable Tongue

James 3:12 says My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouths that they …

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We Can Win The Battle

As I type, Monday is knocking at the door! Challenges lay ahead, temptation is on both sides of the road, & Satan is waiting for me to step off the path I walk with Jesus. You & I will battle sin every hour & every day this week. The Good News is Jesus Christ. The …

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Are you Committed To Studying & Growing In The Knowledge of Our Lord?

God loved us SO much that He gave His only begotten Son (John 3:16). Jesus Christ died that we might be saved from our sins (Matt. 1:21). The gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16). Man must obey the will of the Father to inherit the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 7:21). Thus, …

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God’s Expectation When It Comes To Worship

Our workplaces expect a certain way to be followed for carrying out the required tasks. When we hire someone to complete a job for us, we expect the job to be completed based on our expectations & specifications. When we place an order at a restaurant, we expect to receive what we requested! Why then, …

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Is Customer Service Important?

Customer service means doing what you can to help someone who has chosen your organization to meet whatever need they are seeking to have met. Regardless of whatever product I am after, the most important thing to me is customer service. When I think of the customer service model, I think of the Lord’s church. …

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What Defines You?

Are you known for your knowledge of the great outdoors, your keen political awareness, the expertise in your profession or your ability to understand what it takes to build a superb athletic team? I enjoy hearing good hunting stories, listening to whether or not we are on the right track in our country, and seeing …

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Are We Preparing Future Preachers (#2)

Continuing with last week’s focus of looking at filling the need for future preachers, we need to prepare, talk with, and encourage young men who have the skill set for “preaching” to consider Preaching the Gospel. According to The Jenkins Institute’s website, Dale & Jeff post approximately 4,000 to 5,000 Preaching job openings per year! …

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People Loved People

While attending a little league basketball game to watch our niece play, I had the opportunity to reconnect with a very sweet lady in the stands who I knew during my formative years. My friend is almost 90 years young and as we talked about “how things used to be,” she simply stated everyone is …

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