Author's posts
When Are You Going To Retire?
The older we get the more often we are asked this question. U.S. News & World Report stated in 2014 about half of retirees were forced to retire sooner than expected. The average retirement age is around age 62. Most of the time a retirement plan is built around a retirement age. When someone retires …
Be All You Can Be
As Christians are we being ALL WE CAN BE? We all have talent that allows us to make contributions to the expansion of God’s Kingdom. When we don’t utilize our talents we have a tendency to utilize excuses. Moses struggled with this as well. We know Moses as a Leader but he also made excuses: …
Don’t “Just Say N0!”
During the 1980’s when the War On Drugs began, one of the phrases developed to deter teens & young adults to stay away from drugs was called, “Just Say No!” Of course the idea was if you were approached to partake in drug use, everyone was encouraged to “Just Say No!” If you did this, …
Who’s More Right? Be Cautious….
We all want to be aligned with groups, organizations, and populations that are right when it comes to morals, policies, & spiritual matters. The problem becomes when we begin to have righteous expectations of man-made institutions. If we want to be considered right in the secular world, we need to be guided by Scripture, not …
Will You Do More Than The Minimum?
Students sometimes ask, “What’s the minimum I have to do to receive a passing grade?” Employees sometimes ask, “What’s the minimum I have to do to keep my job?” Christians sometimes ask, “What’s the minimum I have to do to get to Heaven?” Sadly, many of us focus on the minimum! When the minimum becomes …
Are we like the widow in Mark 12:41-44?
Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much. Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, Assuredly, I say to you that …
How Can We Improve Our Marriage?
Genesis 2:21-24 says And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept, and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the …
What Do You Worry About?
Each one of us could not answer this question with just a sentence or two. We could not respond with just a few words. Our answers would probably range from worry over family, finances, or the health of self and others. Most of us are expert worriers because of our concern for others. What is …
Have You Heard The Good News?
The “Good News” is the saving Gospel message of Jesus Christ. We must understand & share the story of our Lord & Savior. Acts 2 teaches us the confidence we have in the One who saves us. Acts 2:22: He was a man. Acts 2:22: God showed us who He was through miraculous works. Acts …
The Church, The Centerpiece Of The Community
We are aware of the damage caused by the recent hurricanes. We have read several instances where hurricane victims reached out to the local church for help. An Elder in Vidor, Texas stated, “This is the best thing that every happened to the church in Vidor. People are seeing the love the church has for …