Allen Jones

Author's posts

What Name Should the Church Wear?

Names are important because they set us apart. The Greek word ekklesia, translated “church,” was understood in the first century Roman-ruled world simply to mean “assembly.” This assembly was a gathering of people, whether for a secular or religious purpose. Ekklesia was used before & after the time of Christ in relation to an assembly …

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Effectiveness Vs Busyness

We all are given the same amount of time in a day. We strive to be busy when it comes to the work of the church. Being busy is good but being effective bears fruit for the Kingdom. The difference between effectiveness & busyness is the result! Effective Christians do what they say they will …

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Government (Christian Involvement)

We ALL have been in tense discussions when it comes to religion & government. While imperfect, our system of government cannot be rivaled. We enjoy more freedom than other nations. However, constituents contribute to a political campaign, Christians in- vest in the Kingdom! Both are seeking something in return. Christian involvement in the political process …

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Facing Death

We understand the brevity of life with the impending reality of dying. We understand the possibility of losing family, friends, and our peers to the appointment we all must keep. Being aware of the realization we will not last forever should motivate us to ask: “What does the Bible say about death?” Hebrews 9:27 says …

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Your Next Home…

Financial experts tell us our homes are our largest asset. An average house in 1973 was 1,660 sq. ft. while in 2015 an average house was 2,687 sq. ft. Numerically, families continue to decrease in size com- pared to previous decades. Our homes are very important due to values, not needs. We are blessed to …

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Why Did They Leave The Church?

Flavil Yeakley, Jr. wrote a book entitled Why They Left: Listening to Those Who Have Left Churches of Christ. Yeakley does a good job compiling his findings. He digs deep into various reasons as to why people have left the church literally & figuratively. He explores doctrinal differences, neglect, instrumental music issues, the role of …

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What Is Your Favorite Part of Bible Class?

My favorite part of Bible class is getting to approach a new topic or concept each week. This weekly process equips me to be a better servant in God’s Kingdom (Ephesians 4:12-16). How can Bible class attendance, participation, and application create spiritual and numerical growth? Bible class creates a work ethic! I Corinthians 15:58 says …

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Obedience With Pupose

Our earliest memories will reflect obedience from our parents giving us instructions, directions, or rules to follow. We became Christians because of our desire to submit to the authority of the Lord. When asked or directed to follow, we seem to always beg the question, “Why do I have to (fill in the blank)?” W …

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Before we plan for 2017, can we look back at 2016? We apply this strategy with most anything in our lives. It would behoove us to apply this thinking with our spiritual lives as well. Let’s Review! I Cor. 10:12-13 says Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation …

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What Defines You?

Are you known for your knowledge of the great outdoors, your keen political awareness, the expertise in your profession or your ability to understand what it takes to build a superb athletic team? I enjoy hearing good hunting stories, listening to whether or not we are on the right track in our country, and seeing …

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