Author's posts
What Will They Say About Me?
Just as you, I have attended several funerals recently of friends & family, as well as, brothers & sisters in Christ. Leading up to the memorial, we often read a snippet of our loved one’s life in the local newspaper. The last several weeks has lead me to this question, “What will they say about …
Great Students Need Great Teachers
We are blessed to have great students AND great teachers at South Green St.! Obtaining Bible knowledge is intentional not accidental. Our Bible school program reflects God’s Word, has high expectations, AND requires invested Christians. Teaching is part of worship AND service. I Peter 2:2 says As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the …
Election: Right To Make A Choice.
This past week, the majority of voters in our county did what was necessary to create more access for the most abused drug in our nation in the name of progress. The majority claims victory while those in opposition deal with defeat. In one month, we will be afforded the opportunity to exercise our right …
The 2 Day Work Week
We sometimes joke about “banker’s hours,” all the time off teachers have, and the easy day of “stay home moms.” Of course, we all know the stress bankers withstand, the mandates teachers must implement with little assistance from stakeholders, and the exhaustion full-time moms endure everyday! We are quick to take jabs at these very …
Am I Prepared For Death?
I sometimes say, “I enjoy growing older!” When I make this statement I do so because I have learned the older I get, the more wise I become (hopefully). Living longer affords us the opportunity to become more knowledgeable as our perspective of life changes. When we are young, we do not value time as …
More Than An Education
Since the beginning of the educational system as we know it, our country has always educated the “masses.” I can remember my parents referring to education as the “3 R’s.” I can still hear my dad say, “readin’, ritin’, and rithmetic.” My parents pushed me beyond my ability because they could see the skills needed …
Parenting (Highs & Lows)
I count it a blessing to be the father of a fourteen year old and twelve year old. I can’t think of a more challenging but rewarding job. I struggle with the speed at which our children have grown in terms of age but thankful for their emotional & spiritual development. I sometimes long for …
TV : What can we watch!?
Several years ago I can remember thinking, “Christians do not have options when it comes to television programming.” Not long after I pondered this thought, the Gospel Broadcasting Network was developed and went “live.” What is the Gospel Broadcasting Network (GBN)? GBN is simply the best & most informative Scriptural programming available that provides 24 …
The Future is Today
I asked Ellie & Asa what they learned at camp. They both responded by saying, “Our youth is the church of today, not tomorrow.” I asked them to explain. They said, “Most adults think our generation can only make an impact in the future, not today.” While listening, I immediately thought about Paul’s letter to …
Our Father
I remember the morning of my father’s funeral, my mother was in a hurry to leave the house. In a confused voice, I asked, “Why are you in such a rush?” She said, “Today is the last day we will get to see him.” I have longed to see & talk with my earthly father …