Author's posts
The Message We Send Says What?
We send text messages, respond to text messages, and send emails. We message others asking or convincing our recipient to think about or do something. Or when we choose not to respond to someone’s question we are responding. When we react to a person or situation, we are in essence sending a message. I recently …
Help Wanted
We have all gone to the HELP WANTED column of the classified section of the newspaper. When I needed a second job, I would spend a dollar in hopes of finding employment in the Sunday edition. Most of the time, we can find work if we are seeking. This is especially true in the work …
How Many Days Do We Have Left?
Students and adults who work for school districts ask this question a lot in the spring. I hear this question asked at least 5-6 times per week after we return from Spring Break. While we do not know how many days we have left on earth, we should be concerned with the time we have! …
Things That Matter
We want to leave things for our children upon our passing. Why? Our children want things to remember us by, our children want things so they will remember their childhood, & our children want things that will sustain them through the difficult years of adulthood. What shall we leave our children? A good name: Solomon …
Old Age Is A Blessing For The Obedient
Growing old with obedience is both a blessing & pleasing to God! I once read, live the best life you can because when you are old, your memories will allow you to do it again. The meaning here is living a life for Christ means living a life without regret. We don’t want to reach …
Alcohol: Don’t Ignore The Warnings
Pontius Pilate presided over the trial of Jesus and ordered His execution. Pilate, multiple times, stated he could not find our Lord guilty of anything! (John 18:38, John 19:6). Jesus was found innocent, but Pilate was pressured to persecute Jesus. Pilate’s wife even sent him a warning in Matthew 27:19 not to kill this just …
Drinking Alcohol Is Not Supported in God’s Word
There are many categories of alcoholic beverages but they all fall under the name alcohol. Regardless of how you refer to an alcoholic drink, the goal is to become intoxicated, period. The name may change but the intent does not! I witnessed many family members and friends utilize alcohol on a daily basis beginning with …
Family Weekend (You’re Invited)
“Somehow, somewhere along the way, we have lost sight of what should be the most important thing on the minds of Christians.” ~J.C. Choate If we were to ask each family represented in our congregation, “What challenges your family’s spiritual growth?” I am certain we would receive a wide range & diverse set of responses. …
The Next Generation
Our Wednesday night class is focusing on how we can help our children & grandchildren develop spiritually based on the facts found in God’s Word. This month we are focusing on 21st century challenges, understanding social media, the next generation’s faith staying with them into adulthood, and what God expects us to leave our children. …
Suffering means something different to all of us. We all know and understand what it means to suffer on some level or in some area of our life. Growing older, I have seen countless friends and family members suffer as they have lost a loved one. I have buried both of my parents and some …