Author's posts
Dealing With Attacks and What Can We Learn?
How many of us feel that most days of our life everything is “good?” Or, if someone asks how things are going, we might say, “I’m good, all good.” I enjoy my days when things are going “well,” or as we say, “good.” But, like the weather in Kentucky, if we will hang on for …
What’s Left When The Building Is Gone?
For nearly twenty years, my daddy worked in a local feed mill. When I was a little boy, he told stories of working in all types of weather conditions scooping corn, bagging feed for farmers for their livestock, driving trucks for deliveries to those farmers, and doing all sorts of laborious tasks in a dusty & …
How We Spend Our Days Is How We Spend Our Lives
This time of year my mind hearkens back to when my parents would stop by Kenneth Calvert’s drug store and pick up several calendars so they would be ready to hang when January 1st would show up! The drug store, for decades, always had the same type of calendar. In fact, it was referred to …
Thank You
Paraphrasing Lou Gehrig’s speech from 1939 after he had received the news regarding his health while speaking to the New York Yankee fans, he said in sum, “Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth…I have always received kindness and encouragement.” The contents of Gehrig’s speech summarizes how I …
While the Plane Is In the Air
As I type on my keyboard, our son is about to travel to the airport in Nashville and board a flight out west. To give you a timeline, I’m typing on a Friday, the article is due Monday morning, and he and his group are due to return Monday night (I think). I trust in …
Stuck In Neutral with 76 Million Dollars To Pay!
Recently, Coach “Jimbo” Fisher was fired from his head coaching position of the football program at Texas A & M University in College Station, Texas. On the surface this may not shock you. College coaches along with most others in America’s workforce get fired everyday for a myriad of reasons. I am no “evaluator” of …
Election Day
Who are you voting for? Why did you do that? These questions and more abound this time of year! You know what time it is. It’s almost Election Day. Many who are running for office along with their camps and supporters have been looking for this date for a while! We know how it works. …
“You Wanna Bet?”
Much has been made about “gambling” in our society. To be up front and honest, I do not know anything about betting, playing the lottery, sports betting, or gambling. I do not know the process of putting “money down” on an event, game, or competition. I am not totally naïve, I understand that if …
What Does The World Need?
As time moves on, I am thankful for Jesus and the church. While having an attitude of gratitude, I also have a feeling of concern. I am concerned about the world really not knowing Jesus or having an understanding of the church. I know this is not a new concept, but our concern for others should …
We Need The Church
This time of year for a long time has been referred to as “Open Enrollment.” If you work in the “public sector” and are provided some insurance benefits, this is the time of year that changes are made to those benefits. Meaning, if you want additional insurance coverage or you want to choose different “coverage,” …