Allen Jones

Author's posts

“Who ya voting for? Why would you do that?”

These questions and more abound this time of year!  You know what time it is.  It’s almost Election Day.  Many running for office along with their camps and supporters have been looking for this date for a while!  We know how it works.  At first everyone who is running for office is cordial and nice …

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After Baptism, What Then?

  We have been blessed and fortunate to have worked with our local detention center for a decade.  During that time, we have been able to teach numerous classes there, establish positive contacts with both inmates & staff, and baptize those who responded to the Lord’s Invitation by obeying the Gospel.  We are working to …

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Consider One Another

At home, we recently took on the task of cleaning out our attic!  Yes, I can hear you groaning as you think about how much fun we had.  Well, it wasn’t all bad.  In fact, when we take time to de-clutter any segment of our lives, we actually feel somewhat liberated because we have created …

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Strengths & Weaknesses

    May we realize we all have good traits and bad traits.  We all have nice qualities and we all have qualities that may repel others or limit our ability to achieve in life.  The church has areas to highlight while also containing necessary areas which need changing!  We should never find ourselves with an …

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How Much is Your Opinion Worth?

                I, like you, enjoy “weighing in” on most topics: sports, parenting, religion, jobs, the weather, politics, and the list goes on!  Any time I give my words to another on a variety of topics, I always follow it with, “You can take that and $3.00 and you still can’t buy a cup of coffee!”  I used say, …

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The Voice of the Empty Pew

 Each day when I leave my home, I don’t get too far down the road before I start missing my wife and children.  As we age, we all are going our separate ways, but each time I leave my family, I can’t wait to see them again!  Upon departure, I anxiously want to see their …

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“I am not school shopping this year…”

Most of our local school districts welcomed students back a few days ago.  A few more districts will begin school in a few days.  Traditionally, as we point towards the start of school, most parents and kids plan for the “back to school shopping trip.”  Sometimes these trips and purchases are costly because of what …

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The Classroom’s Pulpit – How Can We Assist Our Children?

             It is not news to you, the “start of school” as we know it, is about to commence!  While many plans are being made for “school shopping” for new clothes and school supplies, are we making plans to support, encourage, and shield our children from all the many spiritual and theological challenges they will …

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They Just Don’t Come Anymore!

 I recently was in conversation with a gentleman who has been a Christian for approximately sixty or more years, he remarked to me that back in “his day,” he would have twelve to fifteen teens in his class.  He followed that comment with, “They Just Don’t Come Anymore!”  Not be an alarmist, but friends the …

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Using Our Freedom

  This time of year is one of my favorites because of the focus we get to place on our freedom by being citizens of The United States of America!  During the month of June, we stop and recognize “June 6th.”  The President Dwight D. Eisenhower library documents this day by saying, “The D-Day operation …

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