Allen Jones

Author's posts

Thank You

   Paraphrasing Lou Gehrig’s speech from 1939 after he had received the news regarding his health while speaking to the New York Yankee fans, he said in sum, “Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth…I have always received kindness and encouragement.” The contents of Gehrig’s speech summarizes how I feel about …

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Jail Ministry

“Will you be back?” was the question I was asked at least once a week on Saturday mornings in 2012. That year, I was given the opportunity to volunteer at the Barren County Detention Center and teach classes to individuals who were incarcerated. Originally, I set up a pro- gram to test a social/emotional intervention …

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A message Worth Repeating

             Someone once told me, “If a sermon is good enough to be preached once, it’s good enough to be preached twice!”  I have found this to be true when it comes to bulletin articles or social media posts as well.  Our friend and brother Steve Higginbotham, posted something worthwhile a few years ago regarding …

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Another Tool for 2022!

           Our words can enrage or encourage. Our words matter! God, in His wisdom, saw that words are the mode for which humanity would learn about the relationship He desires to have with us. Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” As Christians, we know our order is …

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Bulletin Article Topics

    Do you like “Bulletin Articles?” Well, I do. I always have. Scripturally supported and Bible based articles have always been and continue to be a very effective teaching tool and uplifting. I am appreciative of the opportunity to write weekly articles for our bulletin. Why? Because I hope in some small way, I am …

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A New Year: Time To Take Inventory

  As we begin a new year, may we “take inventory” of our spiritual lives.  Most businesses or organizations (the ones that are successful) will ask three questions in terms of their direction:  “Where have we been?  Where are we?  Where are we going?”  Our spiritual lives are of far greater importance than any business …

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    I have an affinity for big trucks of all kinds.  My daddy was a truck driver most of his life picking up “canned milk” in the 1950s to delivering feed to farmers in the 1960s & 1970s then back to picking up milk in a tandem tank truck in the late 1970s.  As a …

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Picking Up The Pieces

  When Asa was about five years old, we bought him a bicycle for his birthday.  Given that his birthday is in December, the weather did not permit him to ride it outside for a while. One morning, he decided to ride down our hallway.  He did not know how to use the breaks and …

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You Are Not Alone!

             In light of the recent damage and loss caused by tornadoes, I, like you, have watched the news coverage.  I heard one elected official say, in an effort to reassure those impacted by the challenges that lay ahead, “You are not alone!”  I found comfort and appreciation in this gentlemen’s sentiment.  But, let us …

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Lest We Drift Away

Man made religions grow due to entertainment worship & an acceptance of feel good philosophy. Once faithful Christians have exchanged truth for fiction. The Hebrew writer says Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away (2:1). Ignoring God’s commands will cause the once faithful to …

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