Author's posts
Danger of Drowsiness
Being sleepy at the wrong time and in the wrong place can be very dangerous. Drowsy driving can slow down thinking and reaction times—affecting our judgment and vision. Not to mention we could outright fall asleep and wreck, injuring ourselves and/or others. An estimated 1 in 25 drivers report having fallen asleep while driving in …
Help in Time of Sadness
Numerous are the occasions that may cause us to feel the emotion of sadness. Seeing someone we love make sinful choices will break our hearts. Seeing someone we love go away (either temporarily like moving or permanently like dying) will cause a well-spring of tears to overflow. Scripture prepares us to expect times of sadness …
Sincerely Wrong
Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For, being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. (Romans …
Dropping Out
I believe I can say with confidence that the biggest story in the world this minute is the announcement made by Joe Biden that he is dropping out of the upcoming race for President of the United States. It is huge news indeed and sends shockwaves throughout our country. But I am not concerned here …
A Hero
The events that took place Saturday at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania have the entire world talking. Some of the discussion centers around the apparent lack of security and ease with which the shooter got into position to attempt his evil deed. Nevertheless, one thing that jumped out to me (and millions of others who …
Conduct Worthy of the Calling
The fabled “Pony Express” was short lived. It lasted only about a year and a half (April 1860—October 1861). The transcontinental telegraph put an end to the need for the horses and their riders. However, in the brief time it existed, the service made a lasting impact on American history. Before the creation of the …
Make A Difference
At this time of year, lots of speeches have been / will be given encouraging young people to follow their dreams and to leave their mark on the world. This is good advice…assuming those dreams include pleasing the Lord (Ps. 37:4; 2 Cor. 5:9), and those marks are the marks of Jesus (Gal. 6:17). Otherwise, …
Stick To Your Post
On May 8, 1945 celebrations erupted around the world to mark the end of World War II in Europe. Last week marked the 79th commemoration of Victory in Europe Day. Obviously, there was much for which to be thankful. The surrender of Germany was monumental and had been achieved along with great loss and difficulty. …
I’m a big fan of gift cards. I like to get them—let me get what I want. I like to give them—let people get what they want. Not to mention it is a fairly easy and stress-free way to take care of business. Boom! I’m finished shopping. However…I heard a disturbing fact this weekend. Billions …
Amazing Facts About Jesus
“He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit…” (1 Timothy 3:16a) Among the many incredible facts revealed in Scripture about Jesus would be the incarnation and the resurrection. Having a proper understanding of who Jesus is and what He has done will have a direct impact on how we live. The Incarnation—Christ was …