Bart Warren

Author's posts

Please & Thank You

Are basic manners (such as saying, “Please and “Thank you”) old-fashioned and a thing of the past? Why is it that adults have a hard time expressing appreciation for things they have been given? Zig Ziglar (known as “America’s Motivator”) has some interesting thoughts: Of all the things a parent can teach a child, manners …

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What We Share

Racism is sinful. Racism is foolish. Racism is illogical. Instead of a discussion of our differences, let us take the time to focus on what all men share. We share a common heritage / ancestry (Genesis 3:20; 9:1). Every man, woman and child on the planet is a genetic relative. We share a common Creator …

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The Next Generation

Ronald Reagan was always good for a quote. On March 30, 1961 he said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will …

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Taking Care Of Home

As we speed closer to the halfway point of 2016, some interesting data has been gathered. By and large, Americans are spending less. It is not because we have suddenly become financially responsible, most families just have less disposable income. But one study revealed that so far in 2016, the one area in which Americans …

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We Wish To See Jesus

In John 12:21, it is recorded that some Greeks came to Philip and said, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” If someone said that to you, what would you do? When my kids ask me a tough question I’m likely to pull out my phone and look it up right away. However, such would not …

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When I was about 8 years old, I was asked by a neighborhood friend to attend an afternoon of swimming. I could not swim but I thought, “Just getting to tag along would be fun.” Within a few minutes of arriving at our destination, I was easily talked into getting in the water while holding …

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The Buddy Effect

As a lifelong fanatic of the Oklahoma Sooners, watching the historic debacle on April 2 (in the Final Four) was hard to stomach. However, some good did come of the heartbreaking loss. In the postgame locker room, nobody wanted to talk. The huge throng of reporters stood around with nothing to do. That is, until …

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Abuse in any form is deplorable and terrible. We need advocates who will stand up for the abused. However, in some cases, we seem to have lost touch with what abuse really is. Recently, in Italy, a 40-year-old woman was brought up on charges and sent to trial after her husband claimed she neglected him …

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Creation out of Nothing

By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. Hebrews 11:3 The phrase “ex nihilo” is of Latin origin and means “out of nothing.” The doctrine of creation out of nothing has numerous important theological implications. …

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On What Are Our Eyes Fixed?

We all get distracted. No one is immune. In our age of technology, there seems to be no end to the number of distractions competing for our attention. A major source of distraction can be our cell phones. Don’t misunderstand me, I do not plan to give mine up anytime soon. However, there are some …

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