Bart Warren

Author's posts


Veterans Day is this week.  Thus, I believe it is appropriate to revisit the concept of patriotism.  Many men and women have gone to great lengths to secure certain liberties for the rest of us—for that we should be thankful. A patriot is a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend …

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Truth and Religion

The existence of God means the existence of objective truth.  There is a Moral Lawgiver and He has established standards.  There is such a thing as “right” and there is such a thing as “wrong.”  This does not change based upon feelings or preferences. A number of years ago, my grandfather, the late Thomas B. …

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Proper Fear

It seems as though the world is talking about the Ebola virus right now. Many are in a panic. Many are terrified. Proper fear can be a good thing. Recognizing something to be a threat is good. Formulating a plan to stay safe is good. Putting the safety plan into action is good. However, we …

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Most of us are desperately longing for satisfaction, but do not know how to obtain it (such has always been the case, not just since 1965). It is common to hear athletes claim that they will not be satisfied until they are champions. Therefore, they work with dogged determination and tenacity to improve their bodies …

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God Knows

“Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, you are of more value than many sparrows” (Luke 12:7). What a thrill to consider how wonderful and powerful the God of heaven really is! It is so humbling to think about the endless number of things that He can easily do that …

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