Category: Weekly Encouragement

Every week, the ministers here at the South Green church of Christ write brief articles for the congregation's weekly bulletin. The following is a copy of those articles, which have been adapted to this digital environment. Brief and to the point, these articles are designed to inspire, encourage, and challenge all. We hope and trust you will find them useful.

Retirement Age

Retirement is an accomplishment to be celebrated! It is always a thrill to rejoice with those who have worked hard for many years and are now rightfully being honored and recognized. With the departure from a particular line of work comes the opportunity for both respite as well as new challenges. Right here at South …

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The Journey

Do you ever feel lost? I don’t mean lost while behind the wheel of an automobile or walking around a new city… I mean, do you ever feel lost in life? Maybe you feel like you don’t know which way to turn, what choices to make, or where to go – even though you are …

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During my formative years, my parents constantly talked to me about “reputation” and being “dependable!” They constantly talked to me about doing my best to have a positive reputation of “not” causing other people problems and simply being counted on at school, society, and in the workplace. Simply put, I was to strive to be …

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The Jail Ministry

We are blessed, thankful, and appreciative of the opportunity to serve our community in our local detention center! We are grateful our elected officials who have literally opened the door for us so we can share the Good News of Jesus Christ in a public facility! God’s Word has been received in relation to this …

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God Provides (and Expects)

The fact that God provides for His creation is a recurring theme in Scripture. We know this…we repeat this…we rest secure in this. Hallelujah, God provides! However, it seems that we fail to emphasize properly the fact that God has expectations of us and the way we live once we have received and enjoy His …

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The New Birth

As we continue to settle in to a new year, it seems appropriate to consider once again the concept of the new birth. The following is a portion of a conversation Jesus had with a teacher of the Jews. Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This …

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Something New

There is something special about standing at the edge of something new. Anticipation…Hope…Wonder… As we enter the first week of a brand new year, we stand at the edge of something new. A year full of opportunities and possibilities. What will we do? Where will we go? What will we learn? What will the Divine …

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No Deposit, No Return

 If I gave you the phrase, “No deposit, no return,” some of us would immediately connect with that phrase while others may not. This phrase has its history in the bottling industry. Before plastic bottles and plastic containers became part of our lives, glass bottles were considered very valuable. Bottlers & grocery stores encouraged consumers …

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Forgiveness (How Good Is Your Memory?)

We all know what our strengths and weaknesses are for the most part. Some folks are good singers (I’m told this isn’t me). Some people are good listeners and are overall good communicators. Good cooks know people like their dishes. Good mechanics can fix cars just by listening to the engine run. You get the …

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Falling Leaves

Many years ago Grandpa Jones wrote and sang a song entitled, “Falling Leaves.” Me and Grandpa are not related as far as I know, but I have always been a fan of his. Grandpa’s song “Fallen Leaves,” paints a picture of the passing of time and the cycle of life. This article is being published …

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