“Hi, this is Greg. Leave your name, number, and message after the tone. I will return your phone call.” A distant cousin of mine passed away on Monday, March 8th. Our grandfathers were brothers. I had never met Greg, but I had talked, emailed, and texted with him so much for the past 12 months, …
Category: Weekly Encouragement
Every week, the ministers here at the South Green church of Christ write brief articles for the congregation's weekly bulletin. The following is a copy of those articles, which have been adapted to this digital environment. Brief and to the point, these articles are designed to inspire, encourage, and challenge all. We hope and trust you will find them useful.
A Beautiful Child
In Hebrews 11:23, the Bible says Moses’ parents hid him and protected his life “because they saw that the child was beautiful.” Beyond this particular circumstance with Moses, what could be said for all children? What makes for a beautiful child? Just the child itself—the mere existence of a little one made in the image …
What Are You Permitting?
Many times we may think if we are “silent” on an issue or do not take a stand, we convince ourselves we are not going along with something that opposes God’s expectations for us. Therefore, we are “pleasing” the Lord. What we “permit, we promote.” Meaning, if we “go along” with sin or immoral behavior …
Faith that Sings!
Someone has said that the prophet Habakkuk runs the gamut of emotions in his short book—from sobbing to singing! Yes, indeed. He begins with sobbing by crying out: “O, Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear? Or cry to you ‘Violence!’ and you will not save?” (Hab. 1:2) The …
What’s The Answer?
It seems there is no end in sight in our world and society when it comes to conflict and division. Sin separates us from God but also creates conflict with humanity. As I type, our government is divided on just about all issues and our country continues to brace for division and protests. We live …
Why Do We Do What We Do?
Why do we attend worship services? Hebrews 10:25 Why do we have congregational singing? Colossians 3:16 Why do we participate in the Lord’s Supper? I Corinthians 11:23-26 Why do we long to hear lessons from the Bible? Acts 17:11-12 Why do we “give of our means? Philippians. 4:15, I Corinthians. 16:2 Why do we participate …
Effectiveness vs Busyness
We all are given the same amount of time in a day. We strive to be busy when it comes to the work of the church. Being busy is good but being effective bears fruit for the Kingdom. The difference between effectiveness & busyness is the result! Effective Christians do what they say they will …
Dealing with Chickens
I loved visiting my Aunt Maureen and my Uncle Tolle Chapman in Nobob, KY when I was a little boy. They always had chickens in their backyard! I would spend hours watching the chickens peck the ground and interact in their little space. My aunt Margaret lived just up the road. She too, had chickens! …
Sleepless Nights
How many of us end our day knowing we will not rest at night because of worry, concern, grief, and uncertainty? As we see our friends, neighbors, and loved ones deal with challenges such as these, we want to be able to provide answers that will make everything “better.” Unfortunately, as badly as we want …
Don’t Move Away From God
The Parable of the Lost Son teaches us we have freedom of choice but not freedom from consequences. A young man went to his father and made a demand. Luke 15:12 says And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of good that falls to me. So he divided …