All facets of life have been modified or adapted to meet safety guidelines and to be cautious in relation to the Coronavirus. We know these changes have brought challenges. However, we know each time a challenge is present, an opportunity is evident. Churches across the world and churches in our region have had to develop …
Category: Weekly Encouragement
Every week, the ministers here at the South Green church of Christ write brief articles for the congregation's weekly bulletin. The following is a copy of those articles, which have been adapted to this digital environment. Brief and to the point, these articles are designed to inspire, encourage, and challenge all. We hope and trust you will find them useful.
In God We Trust
Much has been made of legislation in Kentucky requiring public schools to post the phrase, “In God We Trust.” Some schools have totally embraced this law by very clearly and boldly making these words visible while other schools have done all they can to barely meet the requirement of displaying these four words. I am …
Feeling Overwhelmed
It is easy to get discouraged and to feel overwhelmed. We have numerous responsibilities and expectations put upon us and the pressure to accomplish it all can be a heavy burden. The burden can feel especially heavy if we are convinced we must carry it alone. Consider just a couple of moments from the life …
Why Should We Answer Questions About Our Faith?
Recently, I had two co-workers initiate several conversations about “religion” and Christians. These conversations seemed to happen frequently and were abrasive at first. I attempted to listen and absorb their comments as they would make comments about “church.” As the comments continued over the course of several days, I decided it would be best to …
I fully realize that for those associated in most any way with the field of medicine, the term “PPE” is not new. However, for folks like me, I was unaware of the acronym until just a few months ago. Thanks to the pandemic, I now know that “PPE” stands for Personal Protective Equipment. While there …
Scams & Excuses
A friend shared this tongue-in-cheek warning: “Do not let them take your temperature as you are going into the store! It’s a scam! They’re erasing your memory! I went for bread, eggs, and vegetables…but I came home with soda pop, ice cream and candy!” I smiled as I read it because we can all identify. …
Missing Our Loved Ones
Not an hour fades from the clock that does not find us thinking about, missing, or longing to be with our friends, neighbors, family members, or spouse that has already passed away. We know the void we have is a result of the deep love we shared. We are confident in the expectation of comfort …
Legislate Morality?
Of course morality can be legislated. More than that, morality must be legislated. We all believe it to be so. Consider theft: We demand our government protect our property and punish the thief because we know that it is immoral to steal. Consider murder: We demand our government punish the one who has taken a …
6 Months Later – Thank You to Our Elders
Approximately 6 months ago, daily life for everyone changed due to the Coronavirus. While some “day to day” activities have returned to some normalcy, most have not. Worship service times and church gatherings were altered. From day one of realizing the need to keep our congregation safe physically and growing spiritually, our Elders made many, …
So Far As It Depends On You
The book of Romans is so powerful, deeply profound, and even majestic. One of my favorite passages is found in chapter 12—verses 9 through 21. If you will carefully read these 13 verses, you will be both inspired and challenged. In particular, reflect on v.18: “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live …