Category: Weekly Encouragement

Every week, the ministers here at the South Green church of Christ write brief articles for the congregation's weekly bulletin. The following is a copy of those articles, which have been adapted to this digital environment. Brief and to the point, these articles are designed to inspire, encourage, and challenge all. We hope and trust you will find them useful.

Facing Today

Franklin Camp was an early Preacher who stated that 3 out of 4 people are dealing with chal- lenges or suffering in some way another. As I reflect on my life and as I see my family, friends, and those around me deal with up hill battles, I agree! Suffering, challenges, and despair seem to …

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Spring Cleaning

If Spring would ever actually get here and stay here, it may be that many of us would finally get around to doing some Spring Cleaning in and around our homes (if you have already accomplished this feat—way to go!). We are reminded of a time when Jesus did a bit of “cleaning” of his …

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Commitment To Christ Without Barriers

Paul writes a joyful letter to the believers at Philippi. He is so grateful to them because of the commitment they have to Christ, their willingness to support him, & their work ethic when it comes to the work of the church. Paul says in the first eleven verses: Paul and Timothy, bond servants of …

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“I am…”

Could we join with Paul and echo the sentiments of Romans 1:14-16? “I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and the foolish.” (Rom. 1:14) Paul was given direct orders to go to Gentiles and Jews (and even kings!) and tell them what they must do to be forgiven …

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Are we encouraging future Deacons?

Aubrey Johnson conducted a Leadership workshop last year for our congregation. Part of the workshop looked at the Hallmarks of An Effective Deacon. Globally, the Lord’s church is in need of Deacons who are effective. Aubrey reminds us Effective Deacons: 1.  Build Teams (Eccl. 4:9-12). Deacons are servant leaders. Deacons embrace the idea of TEAM. …

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The Lord’s Church Is Not A Denomination

We are free to choose our career path, to choose where we live, & to choose who we vote for during elections. When it comes to worship, our commitment to spiritual matters, & the religion we practice, Scripture is the guide, not our choices! Society tends to say, “one group is as good as another.” …

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Are we preparing future Elders?

Scripture directs the church and Elders shepherd the flock. We recently touched on the preparation of future Preachers. Like the Preacher shortage, the church seems to have an Elder shortage. Before we can prepare men for this role, we must understand the qualifications of an Elder. We will begin with Titus 1:5-9 (Paul writes to …

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Our Need of Encouragement

We are at a time in world history where we are more “connected” than ever before (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.). Due to the advances of technology, we are able to do things that previous generations could not even imagine. Ironically, our ability to connect digitally has not solved our pressing problems such as isolation and …

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Are We Preparing Future Preachers? (3)

I would like to share a portion of an essay I received recently regarding someone who wants to attend “Preaching School.” As part of the application process to attend this particular school, potential candidates have to write an essay based on the prompt, “Why I want to preach.” The first sentence in this young man’s …

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Are we preparing future Preachers?

Statistics vary on how many congregations are looking for Preachers. We know for certain the demand to fill pulpits across the brotherhood is greater than the supply! Our young men are being told to become engineers, welders, doctors, lawyers, diesel mechanics, and the list goes on. How many of our young men are being talked …

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