Category: Weekly Encouragement

Every week, the ministers here at the South Green church of Christ write brief articles for the congregation's weekly bulletin. The following is a copy of those articles, which have been adapted to this digital environment. Brief and to the point, these articles are designed to inspire, encourage, and challenge all. We hope and trust you will find them useful.

Count Your Blessings

 We sing a song that reminds us to “count our blessings” and “name them one by one.”  One of my summer goals is to do that.  Take a legal pad and pen and just take off writing down all my blessings!  I, like you, will count my blessings which will include both temporal and spiritual …

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Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

 I used to coach high school football with a gentlemen who also served our state as a Kentucky State Trooper.  Kids loved him (and still do) and I learned about life while being in his presence.  When it came to dealing with emotions or people, he was, as my momma would say, “cool as a …

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What’s Our Motive (Dealing with Conflict)

Several years ago, my family and I attended a small, rural congregation that was extremely vibrant and faithful.  At one point in time, a “contentious meeting” was scheduled with the two congregation’s Elders and the men of the congregation.  Upon hearing of the meeting, I had no interest in attending because even as young and …

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Make A Difference

At this time of year, lots of speeches have been / will be given encouraging young people to follow their dreams and to leave their mark on the world. This is good advice…assuming those dreams include pleasing the Lord (Ps. 37:4; 2 Cor. 5:9), and those marks are the marks of Jesus (Gal. 6:17). Otherwise, …

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Stick To Your Post

On May 8, 1945 celebrations erupted around the world to mark the end of World War II in Europe. Last week marked the 79th commemoration of Victory in Europe Day. Obviously, there was much for which to be thankful. The surrender of Germany was monumental and had been achieved along with great loss and difficulty. …

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I’m a big fan of gift cards. I like to get them—let me get what I want. I like to give them—let people get what they want. Not to mention it is a fairly easy and stress-free way to take care of business. Boom! I’m finished shopping. However…I heard a disturbing fact this weekend. Billions …

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My Old Man

Country singer Zac Brown sang a song entitled, “My Old Man” a few years ago. The lyrics of the song chronicles a young boy looking up to his father, the young boy growing through the teenage “rebellious” years as he sought independence, and the song ends with the young boy now being a father seeking …

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The Big Picture

Many years ago, I worked for a Principal who is probably in my top three “school bosses” that was my supervisor as being one of my favorites.  He was a good “manager” but not a good “leader.”  There is a difference!  He wasn’t necessarily inspiring, but he liked a “low-pressure” work environment.  During faculty meetings …

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Don’t Waste Your Pain

             I have a friend who retired from law enforcement a few years ago who had an elementary aged daughter to pass away unexpectedly.  At the time, his daughter had a very rare disease that was not detected.  While we are all so thankful for medical advancements, we all know that technology is improving, but …

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Being Broken In A Broken World

 I recently listened to an interview with a familiar writer and speaker known to most of mainstream media talk about losing his adult child to suicide.  As I cried through the interview, the gentleman labored through his comments, he made many points that got my attention and actually encouraged me. You see, we all walk …

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