Category: Weekly Encouragement

Every week, the ministers here at the South Green church of Christ write brief articles for the congregation's weekly bulletin. The following is a copy of those articles, which have been adapted to this digital environment. Brief and to the point, these articles are designed to inspire, encourage, and challenge all. We hope and trust you will find them useful.

“It Is Written”

In Matthew 4, Jesus is tempted by satan on 3 separate occasions. Jesus was tempted the first time, just after fasting for 40 days and nights. Jesus must have been extremely hungry after fasting for this period of time. Satan tempted Jesus to turn stones into loaves of bread. I am pretty certain that Jesus …

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The Real Danger

We live in a dangerous world. It is beyond heartbreaking and sad to see and read about what has happened in Paris at the hands of terrorists. At the time of this writing, we are told that there are 129 dead. The Islamic terrorist group, ISIS, is taking credit. Their holy book, the Koran, calls …

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Second-Mile Priorities

Second-mile servants are people who deliberately look for opportunities to show God’s grace to others. Jesus teaches his disciples about going the second mile through out the book of Matthew. Last week I discussed having a second-mile faith. But what about our priorities? God desires to reshape our hearts and in doing so He desires …

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Wonderfully Made

For years, scientists have been fascinated by the amount of information that can be found at the molecular level. For example, it has been discovered that a single-celled organism contains the same amount of information as approximately one thousand volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica. This is astounding and actually hard to comprehend. If one were …

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Petting A Tiger

This weekend, a 33-year-old woman from Omaha, Nebraska was hospitalized with a severe injury to her left hand. That alone is not unusual or noteworthy. What makes the story unique is the way she received her injury. She broke into her local zoo after hours and tried to pet a tiger. Can we say the …

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Second-Mile Faith

In Matthew 8 & 15 we see two separate accounts of people that display a second-mile faith in Jesus. The Roman centurion of Matthew 8 approaches Jesus asking Him to heal his paralyzed servant. The Canaanite woman of Matthew 15 approaches Jesus requesting that He remove a demon from her daughter. Both of these accounts …

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What Will They Say About Me?

Just as you, I have attended several funerals recently of friends & family, as well as, brothers & sisters in Christ. Leading up to the memorial, we often read a snippet of our loved one’s life in the local newspaper. The last several weeks has lead me to this question, “What will they say about …

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Selfie Absorbed

Reports of shark attacks make national headlines. We read about and even can watch videos of people heroically fighting off these powerfully amazing and frightening creatures. I recently heard brother David Lipe say something to the effect of: “You’ll never hear about me getting eaten by a shark because I’m not going near the water! …

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Are You Happy?

When a conversation is taking place regarding marriage the question usually pops up, “are you happy?”How we answer the question will determine the direction the conversation flows. Being happy with our mate is important! I will readily admit I have only been married for 15 1/2 years. I even refer to myself as a novice …

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Turn It Around

Most of us need a word of encouragement that things can get better—that circumstances can improve. We need to hear that things can turn around. Also, we need it to be true…not just wishful thinking. Because of this, the book of Esther can be such an encouraging and uplifting story. The historical account of Queen …

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