We all have strengths and weaknesses in all areas of life. Personally, my weaknesses far outweigh my strengths. But, one strength I have is I feel I have a “good memory.” I can remember dates, most facts, and interactions from decades past. However, I sometimes get wrapped around the “wheel of life” and fail to remember to count my blessings and give thanks for all the things I have! I strive to remind myself periodically of what God allows me to have and enjoy. Psalm 23 provides me with a “ready recollection” of how fortunate you and I really are.
Psalm 23:1-6 says, ““The shepherd; I shall not. He makes me to lie down in pastures; He leads me beside the waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will in the house of the Forever.” When we read these words, we truly are reminded that our cup really does “run over!”
Wayne Jackson wrote in the article, ““My Cup Runs Over” in the Christian Courier about this section of Scripture. Bro. Jackson stated these points:
As a Shepherd, God provides our needs.
He makes us lie down necessary rest, sometimes even when we are inclined to resist.
And he leads beside calm waters.
He restores(refreshes and sustains) our lives, and he guides in righteous ways.
He does not exempt us from dangerous circumstances, but he does calm fears.
We are confident He is with us are comforted that assurance.
As our providential Host, He prepares table containing needs.
So confident are we of His care, we can enjoy his sumptuous fare even in the intimidating presence of our enemies.
From the background of the ancient world comes the metaphor of anointing our head soil (This was a reviving comfort and a symbol of honor.).
Our cup runs over.
Goodness and kindness are faithful traveling companions for life.
And in the loving host’s household, saved abide forever.
These twelve reminders point us to not only the blessings we have, but the resources God allows to enjoy along with the opportunity to be “equipped” as we go through life towards eternity. We recognize that life is tough, hard, challenging with an abundance of obstacles. But, may we remember we are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27) and our soul is more valuable than any material item on earth (Matthew 16:26). As we are being comforted, are we helping to comfort others (Luke 12:48)? As we remember our cup runs over, may we share the Good News of Jesus with others. The love of our Lord is something we should always remember!